Death Hawks

Death Hawks - Sun Future Moon

10,00 €
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Death Hawks, the psychedelic rock group with the intoxicating concoction of modern music and aquarian era aesthetics have signed to Finland-based Svart Records. The group’s third studio album, Sun Future Moon, is set for release on November 13th 2015.
- Our upcoming album sounds even bigger, more diverse and more beautiful. The band has succeeded in broadening its expression in every element, be it in composition, instrumentation or thematics. The songs explore ancient mythical astrology and the cosmos within the modern man. These themes line up organically with the expanding Death Hawks discography, while simultaneously ushering in a new time, a concept of new age even, for the band. To put it simply, we strived to create a melodic, fascinating gem of an album, vocalist/guitarist Teemu Markkula describes.

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