Bastard Noise

Bastard Noise - Incineration Prayer - Self Righteous Suicide, LP

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There is refuge in sound. Especially when it collides with the critical human spirit. In desperate times (as the world is facing even more fervently) sound can truly be a weapon of awareness. Nothing makes this case more "black and white" and apparent than the most recent full length by BASTARD NOISE: "INCINERATION PRAYER"/"SELF RIGHTEOUS SUICIDE"
Created exclusively with organic hand made ROARAFC caveman electronics (built BARNES of MAN IS THE BASTARD, BASTARD NOISE and AMPS FOR CHRIST), "INCINERATION PRAYER" (Side A of the album) is a dire message to take heed that the earth mother is bleeding and turning into a furnace at the hands of "mancruel". Full blown cosmic attack and next level desperation-based vocals/lyrics that reflect the power of nature rebelling in the face of death. "INCINERATION PRAYER" is a single cutting-edge, long form composition that sees hope in danger and crisis.

"SELF RIGHTEOUS SUICIDE" (Side B of the album) spans four separate tracks of sound and vision highlighting without regret the endless misery the animals of the world face at the hand of dirty, ignorant and selfish humans. Using TROGOTRONIC electronics solely on this side, the listener is brought to the "front lines" of animal liberation consciousness and the "Davey vs. Goliath" based existence we face every day at the hands of the global factory farm "murder machine". "SELF RIGHTEOUS SUICIDE" is a humble B Side statement that "rocks the boat" for all (even the unwilling) to see and hear.

This a complex and destitute (in its' attack-based violence) sound document that pushes low end energy and visceral naked high frequencies into the red. It is dedicated to all who help heal the earth and for those incarcerated for liberating sentient beings across the world in vivisection laboratories, factory farms and fur farms. 


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